Kevin Yank

I’m at the “How hard could it be to learn a whole new programming language and build the app I want from scratch?” stage of my holiday break.

Woof. Tesla is pulling a Twitter/Reddit by saddling its previously-free vehicle telemetry and command API with prohibitive pricing on extremely short notice. Many third party apps are going to lose their business models overnight.

Finally rolled credits on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth after 177 hours!! Definitely want to return to see some of the story branches I haven’t explored and the few collectibles I missed, but I don’t think I can see myself getting the platinum trophy on this one. The hard mode combat challenges are just too much work.

Just discovered a fascinating little story in the CSS world.

There was a last minute change of mind about whether container-type: inline-size (i.e. Container Queries) should create a stacking context or not. As of right now, the CSS spec says yes, but Chrome 129 switched to no. Apparently all browsers (and the spec) will soon be updated to this new behavior, but right now major browsers are not interoperable on this. Article with great demos and CSS-WG issue links.

I freed up a ton of disk space on my Mac by enabling “Optimize Mac Storage” in Photos. But because I’ll never entirely trust a cloud service with such precious data, I’ve set up iCloud Photos Downloader on my Synology NAS to keep a full offline copy of all my photos.

Know your tools

Technology is a superpower. Make it work for you.

One of the gifts of a career in software development is the ability to automate away your own problems with custom software. I love to explore the little-known features and extension points in the technology I use, particularly in the Apple ecosystem.