Speaking of lotteries, my tea maker is magically alive again today! Not sure how I feel about non-deterministic tea. 🤔
Recent Notes
Playing the “I hope Apple quietly fixed my bugs” lottery with today’s macOS 13.2 update. 🤞🏻
Mourning the death of my tea maker, which has made tasty brews for me daily for a decade. No equivalent product available in Australia as far as I can tell. Would buy a Breville tea maker in a heartbeat if I could. 😢
Anyone waiting for a good Mastodon client for macOS should go buy Spring for Mac on the App Store, then use the link in Settings → About Spring to download the beta of Mona for Mac. It’s already spectacular, and developing fast. Here I have it set up to follow three timelines, including a pinned hash tag.
Recorded my current work-arounds for the macOS issue where Accessibility and other permissions get lost/corrupted on reboot: https://kevinyank.com/posts/privacy-security-settings-reset/ #Apple #Mac #macOS #blog
Digging into #StarTrekTAS, my first time watching The Animated Series in full, in preparation for a special edition of #SubspaceRadio before #StarTrekPicard returns next month.
Sitting down to edit #SubspaceRadio 19, where we cover the season finale of #StarTrekProdigy and other memorable starship sacrifices. #StarTrek
Excited to upgrade to @eleventy@fosstodon.org 2.0 beta this weekend! #11ty
First day back at work after a month off. Happy to be back, even if the blank slate is overwhelming!
Super proud of everything that got done while I was out. Folks improved some things I would have usually done myself in the usual way. Open source works even for leadership “glue” tasks!
Launchbar has seen better days, but it’s still my favourite super-powered quick launcher for macOS. Christian’s library of scripted extensions has me freshly excited to tweak my configuration! Going to sponsor his work for a bit.
Whew! Overriding the auto-scroll on keyboard focus with a custom smooth-scroll turned out to be fraught with inconsistencies and even a bug or two in Safari. Thankfully I got a cross-browser-compatible solution working in the end. #JavaScript #WebDevelopment
Thanks to Stéphane Deschamps for the bug report, added a section to my Horizontal Scrolling article to add a little JavaScript to bring keyboard-focused links fully on screen by auto-scrolling.
Rewind is a game-changer for coding on a flight without WiFi. Every doc page I’ve visited for the past month or so is searchable and viewable without hitting the network! 🤯 #RewindAI
It’ll never be completely done, but apart from some feed icons and visual tweaks, the bulk of my website redesign is done. Call this the beta release. Feedback/questions welcome! Meanwhile, time to get back into the writing habit, and post all my other stuff to my own site. #indieweb #POSSE
Work-in-progress home page, design gratefully inspired by Alexander Obenauer’s lovely UI research website.
I finally got around to watching the Remastered version of #StarTrekTOS “The Doomsday Machine”. The team did a really great job with the visual effects, turning it into a very three-dimensional battle sequence. Really uplifts the episode compared to the original! #StarTrek
Very pleased with the little #CSS sticky positioning thing I’ve done with the speech bubble tails for the notes on my home page.
I wish I knew why my macOS Accessibility permissions seem to get corrupted every week or so. I’ll reboot my machine, and the ~10 different apps that depend on Accessibility access complain they need to be allowed when they already are. sudo tccutil reset Accessibility
resets everything so I can re-approve them … until it happens again. This Reddit thread suggests it’s a macOS 13 Ventura bug.
Using #TailwindCSS in practice for the first time, I quickly find myself needing to comment groups of utility classes to help me remember why I’ve added them. I believe best practice is to extract these groups of styles into well-named components, which I’ll be doing here with Liquid partials.
Takeaway: Tailwind doesn’t take away the need to write your styles in a separate file or invent names for things; it merely lets you defer this until you’re past the designing-in-code phase.
If you can’t play with horizontal scrolling on your personal home page, where can you? #CSS #indieweb
Jetstar lived up to its reputation, but four hours late is better than never! ✈ MEL→OOL
Ran into an apparent Safari box-shadow rendering bug setting up custom focus rings for my website redesign. Surprised it doesn’t seem to be documented anywhere. #CSS
Plenty of work still to do (especially on the home page), but my site redesign was already looking better than what was public, so I’ve merged my branch. https://kevinyank.com/ is now showing my work-in-progress redesign. #indieweb
You’d think it would be easier to stand up a temporary HTTP proxy to capture requests for diagnostic purposes. I tried HTTP Toolkit and MockServer, and both wanted to munge the captured requests into more “readable” formats (like a JSON data structure) rather than letting me see the requests verbatim.