Recent articles in tech (page 10 of 10)
Mar 22, 2006
3D Cutaway Illustration
Mar 19, 2006
Flickr is starting to suck
I'll admit I haven't jumped whole hog into the whole Flickr thing. I do have a Pro account, and yet most of my photos are still in my private gallery. One of the main reasons, I think, is that, while I enjoy the whole idea of Flickr---a world of photographs naturally organized by keywords and shared (or not) between communities of like-minded people---a lot of the actual implementation kinda sucks. Oh sure, I was dazzled along with the rest when their AJAX-powered interface first came on the scene, with slick edit-in-place functionality and plenty of taggy goodness to explore. But whenever I actually want to do something with Flickr, the site quickly begins to get in my way.
Mar 13, 2006
Free WiFi in Ottawa?
Mar 6, 2006
Installing IIS after Service Pack 2
I'm preparing to record one in a series of video tutorials for SitePoint, for which I'll need a copy of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), the web server that comes with Windows XP Professional, installed on my home computer for the first time since I installed Windows. The usual way to do this is to launch Add or Remove Programs from the Control Panel, click Add/Remove Windows Components, pick IIS from the list and then go from there. But if, like me, you're working with a copy of Windows that has been updated to Service Pack 2, you'll just get this error:
Microsoft helpfully offers a solution to this in its online knowledge base. Problem is, the solution (which will most often require "Method 2" in that article) requires you to have a Service Pack 2 CD on hand, and Microsoft's web site does everything it can to talk you out of getting a copy of that CD.