Recent articles (page 25 of 48)
Jun 26, 2007
Irresponsible Technology Blogging
Though it has been a long time since I received anything truly worthwhile from them, I have somehow managed to remain subscribed to the Web Development Zone newsletter of Its content has remained consistently unremarkable for at least the past year, which, I suppose, is why it has failed to attract enough attention for me to consider unsubscribing … until now.
Jun 22, 2007
Simply JavaScript
It’s aliiiiiiiiiive! The first copies of Simply JavaScript—SitePoint’s latest book, co-written by me and Cameron Adams—have arrived! And if you’ll forgive my obvious bias, it looks awesome.
Jun 20, 2007
Jess is a Full-time Teacher
Jun 20, 2007
Empty Inbox
Look ma – no unread email! At the risk of tempting fate, I’m posting it for all to see: my email inbox is empty! This time last week, I had some 1,000 unread messages vying for my attention. Things were starting to slip through the cracks, and it was time for a big cleanup.
May 14, 2007
A Quiet Night with Harold at the Abbotsford Convent
After the hectic week-and-a-half that has been Unforeseen Stories, I'm enjoying a quiet evening to myself on the grounds of the Abbotsford Convent, where Impro Melbourne keeps its offices and holds most of its training sessions. Tonight, Jess is training along with the rest of the company's "Technique" group of up-and-comers in preparation for putting on a season of Harold beginning in July. Meanwhile, I've visited a couple of nearby geocaches following reports of a geocoin in the area and have now settled down in a quiet courtyard to partake of the peace and serenity (not to mention the Impro Melbourne wireless network).