Kevin Yank

Recent articles (page 20 of 48)

  1. Mar 24, 2015 Introducing Screencast a Week

    I’ve missed producing video training since I left Learnable in 2012, and published my Up and Running with Sublime Text 2 course in 2013. To scratch this itch, I’ve just launched Screencast a Week, a series of short, weekly videos that show off power user tips and tricks for the Mac, iPhone, iPad, and whatever else I come up with.

  2. Aug 13, 2014 Melbourne Web Developers Fireside Chat

    This Thursday, August 14th, I’ll be speaking at the Melbourne Web Developers meetup in a “fireside chat” with event organiser James Gallichio from General Assembly. The theme of the night is “show me something amazing” (no pressure), so I’m bringing along a few examples of web development that has inspired me lately.

  3. May 20, 2014 Verbal Diarrhoea at Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Event

    Yesterday’s Microsoft Surface Pro 3 launch event showed off what I think is a fairly compelling product. But apart from the product itself, two things really struck me when I watched the event video. The first was the tell-tale signs of sloppy software. The second thing that stood out for me was presenter Panos Panay’s tendency to slip in and out of what my high school English teacher used to call verbal diarrhoea.

  4. May 4, 2014 Orbitkey + 1Password + Hazel = ♥

    This past week I received my Orbitkey, an alternative to your typical keychain that holds your keys snugly within a leather or rubber loop instead of allowing them to jangle around in your pocket. Included with my Orbitkey was the optional extra 32GB USB flash drive. The moment I saw that key-shaped drive I knew what I wanted to store on it.

  5. Apr 22, 2013 My Sublime Text Setup

    A couple of months ago I produced a video course for about the Sublime Text programmer’s editor, “Up and Running with Sublime Text 2”. One of the best things about producing a course or writing a book is that you get to know your subject *really* well, so after a couple of friends asked me today what I recommend when setting up Sublime Text for the first time, I thought I’d write it up here.