sentience’s avatarsentience’s Twitter Archive

Popular Tweets

A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. So clever: Viewing a github notification email marks that notification as read in the web UI. How has no one ever thought of this?!
  2. Mac-toting backend devs, you probably also want to do this on your machine: brew update brew upgrade openssl #heartbleed
  3. 1Password 40% off today only: This is a must-have app, if you ask me.
  4. Wow! Package_Control has been officially integrated into sublimehq as of today’s build. Good work, wbond!
  5. I’m calling it: Mac OS 10.8 will be called “Mountain Lion”.
  6. Douglas Adams’s amazing take on the Internet via OnTheNetwork
  7. I’m looking for a freelance Android dev who’s available to build a proof of concept app for us. Get in touch if you know someone! Please RT.
  8. Psst … Dropbox users! 1GB extra storage if you follow these steps:
  9. Two-factor auth not in use at ICANN. Internet’s root zone administration compromised by phishing attack. :P
  10. My bank’s app on my phone just noticed I’m at the airport and reminded me to call and let the bank know I’ll be abroad. Creepy or cool?
  11. That special anger you get when someone complains that the links in your article don’t work? That.
  12. Today someone asked for a refund on my PHP course because my code was too well organised. Seriously. “Controllers aren’t for me.” OK.
  13. When you buy your new SSL certs today, remember to generate new key pairs to base them on. Heartbleed means your old key could be stolen.
  14. SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!! #wwdc12
  15. .noopkat loves loves loves reading spec sheets – “it’s my favourite thing”. WebUSB means USB devices are now an ‘await’ away. #jsconfau18
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  16. Video of my #RailsConf talk, “Developer Happiness on the Front End with Elm”: #elmlang
  17. Presenting about developer happiness with #elmlang at #RailsConf tomorrow morning. Can’t wait to share my new favourite language!
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  18. Super proud of CultureAmp’s Web Properties team. Our new public website,, just completed a full WCAG 2.1 AA compliance audit. Thank you to Intopia for helping us get it there! #accessibility #a11y
  19. .brendamarienyc explains CSS Grid is ready to use now, thanks to supports. Many shout-outs to jensimmons and rachelandrew. #cssconfau18
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  20. .rachelandrew’s “The New CSS Layout” is the perfect weekend read. Teaches Flexbox and Grid simultaneously—so smart.
  21. On top of the developer happiness, freedom from errors and easy refactoring, adopting Elm, more than any other single thing we’ve done at CultureAmp, has been the key to recruiting a steady stream of great front end engineers for our fast-growing team. #elmlang
  22. #elmlang considering whether to adopt build-time CSS (like CSS Modules) or CSS-in-JS (like Styled Components):
  23. My errors match the campfire.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  24. I’ll be in/at/on/? the Elm Remote Meetup this week to show off how we use CSS Modules in elmlang at CultureAmp.
  25. .amyngyn says you can get a long way in life just knowing that XMLHttpRequest is Ajax! #jsconfau18
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  26. I made my #elmlang art more pretty! 🌈 twholman Xavier_Ho #decompress18
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API