Kevin Yank

Pet peeve: messaging UIs like Confluence and Facebook Messenger that both support Emoji reactions and prompt you to reply with a message containing a single emoji.

a screenshot of a Confluence comment thread that shows both an "Add emoji reaction" button and separately offers buttons for suggested replies, including "👍"

The just-announced OM System OM-3 #camera is just what I’d hoped for in an upgrade from my OM-5: AI subject detection, new menus, headphone jack, USB-C and metal body – all while staying small and significantly cheaper than the OM-1 ii flagship model. They listened!

Pretty happy with this star trails shot from my back yard. The aircraft lines are a bit of a shame, but I kind of also dig them! #astrophotography #startrails

a large gum tree set against a long-exposure shot of stars forming arcs around an empty point in the sky

Just starting to dabble with star trails using the Live Composite feature of my OM-5.

Arcs of light traced by stars in a murky sky, behind a eucalyptus tree

The new Harry Potter LAMY nexx fountain pens are much sexier than the AL-stars that came out last year. It’s just a shame someone decided they should have two Harry Potter logos side by side on the barrel! #fountainpen

Four LAMY nexx fountain pens with two-tone coloured caps, and black lacquered barrels, each emblazoned with two Harry Potter logos (a short "HP" and a full "Harry Potter") and a house name: Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff

Know your tools

Technology is a superpower. Make it work for you.

One of the gifts of a career in software development is the ability to automate away your own problems with custom software. I love to explore the little-known features and extension points in the technology I use, particularly in the Apple ecosystem.